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International Humanitarian Law is violated as PRCS’ teams come under attack

(Al-Bireh, 6 July 2014): PRCS’ team and volunteers are providing relief and emergency services throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East Jerusalem, to victims of ongoing escalated attacks by Israel’s army and settlers.

PRCS’ teams and volunteers have come under attack and their humanitarian work has been hindered on many occasions, as illustrated by the following examples:

• Occupation forces have directly targeted PRCS’ ambulances and teams with stun grenades and tear gas bombs, as was the case on 27.06.2014 in Qalandia Refugee Camp. PRCS was thus unable to evacuate the wounded or to provide First Aid assistance;


• In a number of areas where clashes have erupted between Palestinian youths and occupation forces and settlers, especially in Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates, Israeli occupation forces delayed PRCS’ ambulances and denied them access to the wounded over several days. Moreover, an ambulance was prevented from discharging its humanitarian duty in Al Noueimeh (Al Aghwar Governorate) on 5.7.2014;


• Armed Israelis in civilian clothing forcibly prevented PRCS’ team from providing First Aid response to casualties in Al Tour (East Jerusalem) on 4.7.2014.


PRCS’ affirms that such practices constitute a violation of IHL provisions, mainly article 63 of the Fourth Geneva Convention relating to enabling National Societies to pursue their humanitarian activities.

PRCS calls on Israeli occupation authorities to put an end to these practices and to respect the humanitarian role of PRCS. It also calls on international organizations to take the necessary steps to ensure respect by occupation authorities of IHL provisions.