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PRCS Holds an Emergency Meeting for RCRC International Movement Components in Gaza City

(Gaza - 16/09/2014): The Emergency Meeting of the Red Cross Red Crescent International Movement opened today, Tuesday the 16th of September 2014, at PRCS’ Al Noor City in the Gaza Strip. The three day meeting organized by PRCS under the banner “Together we Embody the Power of Humanity and the Protection of Dignity” aims at examining the humanitarian and health consequences of the latest attack, strengthening cooperation within the Movement and enhancing its response to the tremendous humanitarian challenges in the Gaza Strip.

Participants at the meeting include the heads and representatives of the Movement Components, including ICRC, IFRC and fifteen National Societies from Europe, Arab States and the USA.

In his opening remarks, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib welcomed participants and asked them to observe a moment of silence in remembrance of PRCS’ EMTs and other aid workers who lost their life in the line of duty. He addressed his thanks to all those who helped meet the humanitarian and health needs of affected populations in the Gaza Strip and expressed his gratitude to all Movement Components who responded to the Appeal launched by PRCS to support its activities and services in the Gaza Strip. “The destruction in the Gaza Strip is not limited to civilian objects and infrastructure. It is also reflected in the indescribable health, humanitarian and psychological impact on human beings. What happened is unacceptable and the international community must not allow it to happen again. The main problem in Palestine is not about meeting humanitarian needs. It is about ending the occupation”, he said.

At the end of his speech, Al Khatib said the international community must take the necessary steps to ensure Israel’s respect of the international emblem and compliance with IHL provisions which ban the targeting of civilians, as well as to put an end to the targeting of aid workers. He added that as a Movement our action should go beyond the immediate response and our action should embody our principles and those of the IHL. Always, as a Movement, we should assess our actions and interventions but most importantly to change.

IFRC Vice-President Dr. Francesco Rocca expressed his deep appreciation for the laudable efforts made by PRCS’ staff and volunteers during the Israeli attack, and addressed his condolences to PRCS for the loss of two of its EMTs in the line of duty. Dr. Rocca underlined the International Movement’s support of the Society’s work which aims at allaying the suffering caused by this unjustifiable and unacceptable attack against civilians, PRCS’ staff and medical teams alike. The Movement should work with all governments to put an end to violence against humanitarian workers in Palestine and elsewhere, as well as to increase respect and protection of providers of humanitarian and health services, he said.

Mr. Robert Mardini, Head of Operations for the Middle East & North Africa at ICRC, thanked PRCS’ staff and volunteers for the courage they showed in the line of duty, despite being directly targeted and in spite of surrounding circumstances. He said he was shocked by the level of destruction and human loss in the Gaza Strip, which constitute a blatant violation of IHL. This is a serious situation that must not recur neither in Palestine nor anywhere else, he added. He concluded by saying that ICRC shall continue to support PRCS’ in its endeavors to provide humanitarian services in the Gaza Strip, and that a political settlement is needed to ensure that such an attack is not repeated.

The first day of the meeting featured a PowerPoint presentation on PRCS’ interventions in the humanitarian, health and relief fields during the attack and the rapid asses as well as a description of current humanitarian conditions and key services provided by PRCS to affected populationsin the Gaza Strip.

Participating delegations visited affected areas in Beit Hanoun, Jabalia and Al Shaja’iyeh, as well as PRCS’ EMS Center in Jabalia which was targeted during the Israeli attack.