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PRCS’ President Visits the Society’s Hospitals in Lebanon

(Al Bireh – 14/5/2015): PRCS’ President Dr.Younis Al Khatib visited several PRCS’ facilities in Lebanon from 11-13 May 2015. He perused humanitarian services provided to Palestinians in refugee camps and to displaced populations from Syria who fled the country due to the tragic events there.


Accompanied by Dr. Salah Al Ahmad, PRCS’ Executive Office member and Director General of the Society’s branch in Lebanon, Dr. Al Khatib toured a number of PRCS’ hospitals including Haifa Hospital in Beirut, Al Hamshari Hospital in Sidon, Balsam Hospital in Tyre and Nazareth Hospital in Al Bika’a. PRCS runs a total of five hospitals and nine clinics in Lebanon, the fifth hospital being Safad Hospital in northern Lebanon.


Al Khatib met with hospital directors and staff who provided him with a detailed account of conditions in these hospitals in general and of measures taken to develop their work and enhance medical performance. They spoke about obstacles hindering this development process, medical services provided to patients, the heavy burden shouldered by PRCS in Lebanon due to the displacement of large numbers of Palestinian refugees and of Syrians to Lebanon as well as the primordial role played by PRCS to ensure humanitarian, medical and social services to displaced populations.


Dr. Al Khatib was also briefed about developments concerning the building of a new hospital in Burj Al Barajneh refugee camp to replace Haifa Hospital.

During his visit, Dr. Al Khatib also met the new UNRWA Director in Lebanon Mr. Matthias Schmale, the Secretary General of the Lebanese Red Cross Mr. George Kettani and IFRC Director for Middle-East and North Africa Mr. Elias Ghanem. Discussions focussed on enhancing cooperation with PRCS given the increasing number of Palestinians displaced from Syria and the additional humanitarian burden shouldered by the Society in the health and humanitarian fields.