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Israeli Occupation Forces Assault and Injure PRCS’ Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)

(Al-Bireh – 31/10/2015) Israeli occupation Forces assaulted PRCS’ teams as they performed their humanitarian duty in Al-Balou’ (Al-Bireh) on Friday October 30th. Several EMTs had to be hospitalized after soldiers beat and pepper sprayed them, causing them burns.


This assault constitutes yet another violation against PRCS’ teams and volunteers. Since the 3rd of October, 228 such incidents were monitored in the oPt, leaving 116 EMTs and volunteers wounded and damaging around 56 ambulances. Moreover, 56 incidents in which PRCS’ ambulances were prevented from reaching their destination were monitored during that same period.

These violations constitute a blatant and serious infringement of relevant IHL provisions which stipulate that the occupying power must facilitate the work of and allow unimpeded access to National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.



For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Fuqaha, PRCS spokesperson – Ramallah headquarter, mobile: 972 – 599251116 or tel: 972 2 2978520 ext 2741