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The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Calls on MDA to Fulfil its Obligations in the oPt

(Al-Bireh – 8/12/2015):  Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies attending the International Conference of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent in Geneva alongside ICRC and IFRC called on Magen David Adom (MDA) to fulfil its obligations in line with the MoU signed between MDA and PRCS in 2005.

A Resolution issued by the 190 National Societies represented at the 32nd International Conference requested MDA to fulfil its obligations under the MoU signed with PRCS in 2005, and in particular to comply with the geographical scope of PRCS which covers the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel in June 1967. The Resolution also calls on the Israeli government to take concrete steps to put an end to the misuse of the emblem within the geographical scope of PRCS.

The Conference also decided to appoint an independent monitor tasked with setting up a mechanism to monitor progress achieved in the implementation of the MoU. Furthermore, it called for the submission of biannual reports to the International Movement with a view to ensuring the full implementation of the MoU by the next International Conference in 2017.

The Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent also submitted its Special Report on the Monitoring of the MoU. The report underlined MDA’s non-compliance with the MoU, highlighting in particular its violation of the geographical scope of PRCS. It also called for legal action to be taken against settlements.

Speaking before the International Conference, Noam Yifrach, Chairman of MDA’s Executive Committee, regretted the misunderstanding with PRCS regarding allegations made against the Society. He affirmed the veracity of the PRCS’ version of events, underlined its credibility and commended the work done by PRCS under occupation. In his speech, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib underlined the need to respect International Movement principles, in particular the principles of unity and impartiality, as well as the need for the full implementation of IHL provisions and for ceasing all incitement against PRCS.

After the signing of the MoU in 2005, PRCS’ ambulances have been stationed and operate in East Jerusalem which is part of the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel in 1967 and thus falls within the geographical scope of PRCS as stipulated in the MoU.

For further information, please contact Ms. Erab Al Fuqaha, PRCS’ Media Spokesperson, at one of the following numbers: Jawwal: 972 599251116  or 972 2 297 8520, extension 2741