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PRCS Inaugurates the “Freedom’s Children” Playground in Hableh

(Al-Bireh- 17/4/2016): PRCS inaugurated today the “Freedom’s Children” playground in the town of Hableh (Qalqilia Governorate) which is surrounded by the Annexation Wall. The playground was built with support from the Danish Red Cross.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by Qalqilia Governor Rafe’e Rawajbeh, PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, the Head of PRCS/Qalqilia and officials from governmental and non-governmental bodies.

In his opening address, Governor Rawajbeh said help and support are needed to ensure the safety and security of inhabitants given the exceptional circumstances prevailing in Qalqilia Governorate as a result of the Wall. Israeli practices impact children’s psychological welfare, which is why governmental and non-governmental institutions in the Governorate endeavour to provide a safe environment and recreational spaces for children, he added.

Dr. Al Khatib underlined the role played by PRCS in building resilience in Palestine and the Diaspora. He lauded the steadfastness of Hableh inhabitants and the sacrifices they make. “PRCS has supported the creation of this playground and has provided it with the necessary recreational equipment”, he said, adding that the playground was inaugurated on the Palestinian Detainees’ Day to honour detainees and to highlight their just cause. Support to Qalqilia Governorate is vital due to the challenges it faces in terms of Israeli occupation and settler practices, he said.

The Mayor of Hableh welcomed his guests and thanked PRCS for its continuous support. “We proudly inaugurate this playground which symbolizes freedom and honors detainees. Hableh is a besieged town with no recreational space for children, hence the importance of this playground”, he said.


Rana Odeh, a young girl from Hableh, took the floor to thank both PRCS and Hableh Municipality for their support and to underline the right of children to live in a safe environment. This playground, she said, shall offer a safe and secure recreational space for children.


The inauguration ceremony also featured a number of artistic and recreational interludes for children. 

