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PRCS Celebrates Hundreds of its Female Volunteers in Jericho

 (Jericho - 17/11/2016): PRCS celebrated hundreds of its West Bank female volunteers at the Eighth Community Health Committees’ Gathering held today in the Banana Land Park in Jericho with the participation of approximately one thousand volunteers from 75 Community Health Committees (CHCs). Participating volunteers exchanged experiences gained over the past year which marked their sixteenth year at the service of Palestinian communities.


Speaking at this gathering, PRCS’ Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh said: “CHCs and their hundreds of female volunteers from various age groups are a source of pride not only for PRCS but for Palestine as a whole. Over the past sixteen years, these creative volunteer-based Committees set a noble example to follow against the strong drop in volunteering in the oPt. Their work under the umbrella of PRCS’ Community Work Department will enable them to develop themselves and widen their activities”, he said. Dr. Joudeh concluded by lauding the support provided by PRCS’ partners to the CHC Program, mainly the Swedish, Norwegian, German and Spanish Red Cross Societies.


Rabah Jaber, who heads the Community Work Department at PRCS, described the CHC Program as one of the rare multi-year programs implemented by PRCS to strengthen communities and empower Palestinian women. “CHCs execute the Society’s community programs and are the doorway to communities where programs and development plans are to be carried out. The future role of CHCs will go beyond health education”, he said.


Speaking on behalf of CHCs, volunteer Hanan Shamasneh said that 1367 female volunteers currently work in 75 Committees throughout the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. They target different community groups including women, children, the elderly, pupils and disabled persons. CHCs, she added, raise health awareness through a wide array of activities such as Summer camps, home visits, open days, lectures and one-on-one education.


The gathering featured cultural events and songs as well as a special recognition of distinguished CHCs from Kira, Beit Awa and Beit Anan.

