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PRCS Holds an Emergency Meeting for the International Movement of the RCRC in the Gaza Strip

(Gaza – 1692014): The Emergency Meeting of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies opens today, Tuesday the 16th of September 2014, at PRCS’ Al Noor City in the Gaza Strip under the slogan “Together we embody the Power of Humanity and Protection of Dignity Protection”. The three day meeting organized by PRCS aims at examining the humanitarian and health consequences of the latest attack, strengthening cooperation within the Movement and enhancing its response to the tremendous humanitarian challenges faced in the Gaza Strip.

Participants at the meeting include the presidents and representatives of the components of the RCRC Movement including the ICRC, IFRC and a number of National Societies such as the Italian, Danish, Swedish, British, Norwegian, American, Icelandic and Dutch Red Cross Societies.

The meeting features a discussion session on PRCS’ humanitarian interventions and challenges during the attack. It shall present an overview of current humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip, PRCS’ Rapid Needs Assessment and the Society’s Appeal which aimed at defining priorities of its humanitarian services to be provided by PRCS to the affected. Another discussion session shall focus on protecting civilians and medical mission in time of war.

Visits to affected and destroyed areas shall also be organized on the sidelines of the meeting in order to inspect damage and identify needs of the affected.

According to PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, this meeting is very important for PRCS as it will strengthen cooperation and coordination within the Movement to enable it to continue providing health and humanitarian services to affected populations in the Gaza Strip.

He said: “The destruction in the Gaza Strip is not limited to civilian objects and infrastructure. It is also reflected in the indescribable health, humanitarian and psychological impact on human beings. Affected populations expect a lot from the RCRC Movement. We cannot let them down. We must shoulder our responsibilities and respond to their needs and requirements in a timely and effective manner”.

He added that the latest attack on the Gaza Strip and its indiscriminate shelling of civilians and medical teams, destruction of hospitals and targeting of ambulances, which has led to the killing of two PRCS’ EMTs and the wounding of 47 PRCS’ staff and volunteers, constitutes a blatant violation of IHL, mainly of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which stipulates that civilians and civilian objects should be protected against the effects of hostilities and random attacks. It also calls for the respect of the emblem and protection of medical teams.