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The 2nd Core Group meeting hosted by PRCS in its HQ

 (Al Bireh - 2/2/2017): The PRCS hosted the 2nd meeting of the Core Group established for the National Society Legal and Statutory Base Guidance and Process Review in its HQ in Al Bireh from 31/1 till 2/2/2017.

The Core Group consists of  senior representatives of the following National societies: Argentina RC, Burundi RC, Cook Islands RC, Danish RC, Haiti RC, Kuwait RC, Mongolia RC, Palestine RC, Spanish RC, Turkmenistan RC, Uganda RC in addition to the IFRC and ICRC.

Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, welcomed the delegation wishing them all the best in their task. Dr. Al Khatib and Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh accompanied the guests as they toured the Society’s headquarters and briefed them on the Society's services provided to Palestinians in oPT and Diaspora and the challenges the PRCS teams face in the field.

The aim of the Core Group is to revise the "Guidance for  NS Statutes  Document ", that was developed  15 years ago  by the Joint Statutes Commission in the RCRC Movement. Due to the huge changes in the operation environments of the NS in the last few years, the Statutes of the NS and the Guidance for the NS Statues documents  need to be adapted to reflect the changing needs and contexts in which the NS operate. 

The Group will focus in their revision of the Document  on 5 areas: Leadership, Integrity/Compliance, Unity, Volunteering/Membership, Independence/Auxiliary role of NS in the humanitarian field.

The revised Document will be submitted for adoption at the 2017 General Assembly of the RCRC Movement.
