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Children Receive Cochlear Implants At PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in the Gaza Strip

 (Gaza - 11/2/2017): PRCS received at its Gaza Strip Headquarters a Qatari medical team comprising two surgeons and an audiologist. The team is to perform cochlear implant surgery for approximately 30 children from the Gaza Strip at PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital with the participation of three Palestinian doctors.

The Qatari-Palestinian team is to carry out this type of surgery, which is complex, costly and usually only performed abroad, for the first time in the Gaza Strip.

The children undergoing surgery were selected by the Qatari medical team and then admitted to PRCS Al Quds hospital for pre-surgical checks, tests and the appropriate medical care. All these services were provided free-of-charge to assist Palestinians and allay the suffering of children with hearing loss.

In addition to performing the scheduled cochlear implants, the joint medical team will examine and select other children based on specific medical and technical criteria for similar surgery in the future aimed at restoring their hearing.
