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Dr. Younis Al Khatib Re-elected as President of the Palestine Red Crescent Society

 (Al-Bireh-672019):PRCS concluded today, its 12th General Assembly which was convened at the Society’s headquarters in Al-Bireh under the auspices of President Abbas. Held under the banner of “50 Years Serving Humanity… And the Dream Continues”, the two day GA was attended by eminent personalities from Palestine and abroad, PRCS’ staff and volunteers from Palestine and the diaspora, as well as representatives from the RCRC Movement.

Participants elected the Society’s Executive Bureau, which comprises 15 members as well as its adminstritive council which comprises 17 members. The Executive Bureau then re-elected Dr. Younis Al Khatib as President of PRCS. Dr. Khaled Joudeh, Samih Abu Eisheh and Dr. Mohamad Rizk were also elected as PRCS’ Vice-President, Secretary and Financial Officer respectively.
In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib lauded efforts made by the Executive Bureau and Board of Directors over the past four years. He explained that PRCS will now embark on a new “Development For Change” era to enable it to meet the humanitarian needs of Palestinians and to build the resilience of local communities. “PRCS shoulders grave responsibilities especially in the context of the Israeli occupation which is the main disaster affecting Palestine. Hence, our new Strategy focuses on building PRCS’ capacities to enable it to face the consequences of that occupation and of looming political developments”, he added.
Participants also adopted a number of recommendations relating to the provision of humanitarian services, resource development, strategic local and international partnerships to support the Society’s health and humanitarian programs, and the promotion of youth participation in the Society’s activities.
A number of sessions were held to discuss key relevant topics including potential future scenarios in Palestine, the protection of medical missions from an IHL perspective, PRCS’ interventions targeting displaced persons (refugees), and the Society’s Strategy for 2019-2023.