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A new administrative board elected for the PRCS branch in Qalqiliya

Qalqiliya- On March 20th, the fifth general assembly of the PRCS branch in Qalqiliya, which was held in the hall of Al-Sa'adiya high school, elected a new administrative board to direct the branch.

The general assembly was supervised by PRCS Hanan Hannoon, Executive Board Member; Khalida Al-Saifi, Member of the PRCS General Secretariat and Director of Organizational Development; and the Director of Public Education in Qalqiliya along with a number of guests. The necessary quorum was confirmed, and then the administrative and financial reports were read and approved. Afterwards, the former administrative board resigned, and a new administrative board of 11 members was elected by acclamation.

As the general assembly concluded its work, the new administrative board held a meeting in the Qalqiliya branch headquarters, where they elected the following board positions:

1- Mr. Khalid Dawood – Branch President.
2- Mr. Na'aim Walweel – Branch Vice President
3- Mr. Ayman Hantash – Branch Secretary
4- Mr. Ayman Zahran – Branch Treasurer

The following are the newly elected administrative board members:
1- Sa'id Nazzal
2- Imad Abdul-Hafethe
3- Mo'ayad Afanah
4- Faisal Shreim
5- Dr. Omar Melhem
6- Ruqayya Nazzal
7- Salah Sabri