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On the occasion of its Foundation PRCS celebrates its anniversary in Baleen

 Baleen – On the occasion of its 40th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the PRCS holds a celebration in Baleen on the 25th of June 2009.

This celebration was held within the framework of the campaign launched by the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent "Our World ….. Your Move." It included: PRCS President, Dr. Younis Al-Khatib, a number of PRCS Heads of Departments, a crowd of PRCS employees and volunteers, as well as many prestigious personnel, institution representatives, and the townspeople of Baleen.

In his speech, Dr. Al-Khatib emphasized the symbolism of holding the celebration in Baleen. A town that reflects cherished and valuable values, is a symbol of the struggle of the Palestinian people, reflects humanitarian values, freedom, independence, and volunteerism, which are part of PRCS principles.

He also pointed out that this event is held to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the battle of Solverino. The battle which gave birth to the idea of the International Movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, and the PRCS 40th anniversary, which stands as the humanitarian parliament for Palestinians.

Dr. Al- Khatib added that PRCS was born from the womb of the Palestinian people. Since then and for over than 40 years, PRCS has undertaken the health and social roles of the struggles of the Palestinian people, and its liberal movement and has gone through every stage of Palestinian revolutionary struggle at home and Diaspora.

He also stressed the point that during the past 40 years, the PRCS which has made many sacrifices, and presented many martyrs and prisoners, will continue in its humanitarian path, and will give even more in the coming future. Dr. Al-Khatib also praised efforts of PRCS volunteers and staff who "have led us to raise our heads up high."
Abu Ala' Mansour, commended, on behalf of Baleen townspeople and organizations, the sacrifices, services, and efforts of PRCS, he also emphasized that PRCS has maintained its national and humanitarian role, despite the many crises and twists that the Palestinian issue has gone through.
He also praised role and efforts of PRCS volunteers and cadres in Baleen, during the weekly demonstrations against the separation wall.
The festival, which was preceded by an ambulance manifestation that roamed the town of Baleen, included an artistic piece in which the artist, Ammar Hasan, narrated the story of PRCS with a special song for the PRCS, and another artistic piece performed by the children of Baleen.
At the end of the celebration, Dr. Younis Al Khatib honored the EMS officers at the PRCS, as well as injured and martyrs of Baleen.