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Attended by representatives from 24 international organizations: PRCS holds its 6th Partnership Meeting

Al Bireh- PRCS held its sixth annual Partnership Meeting on 15/10/2010 at its headquarters in Al Bireh in the West Bank. The meeting was attended by representatives from 24 international organizations, including Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, IFRC, ICRC as well as other local and international organizations.

PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib briefed participants on the awful humanitarian conditions in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip caused by Israeli occupation practices, the Wall of Separation which greatly impacts the lives of Palestinians, land confiscation and settlement building. “Despite peace negotiations, these practices have increased”, he said.

He urged the international community and all parties to the conflict to come to the table of negotiations. “Israel has ignored international calls urging it to put an end to settlement activities and to resume talks that would lead to peace and would allow the creation of a Palestinian State that has sovereignty over Palestinian land with East Jerusalem as its capital”, he added.

Al Khatib also touched on the tragic living conditions in the Gaza Strip due to the blockade imposed by Israel, urging the international community to intervene to lift this unjust blockade. “PRCS has had to shoulder the very heavy health consequences caused by Israeli occupation practices both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. PRCS staff have made great sacrifices to heal the wounds of Palestinians. Despite all hardships, PRCS has made huge efforts, mobilizing community members to face the humanitarian consequences of occupation practices”, he added.

Al Khatib also touched on humanitarian services provided by PRCS to Palestinian refugees, mainly in Lebanon, where numerous health and social projects are being implemented by the Society.

Speaking about the 6th Partnership Meeting, Al Khatib said it is very important. He called on participants to provide support to PRCS projects which are in line with the Society’s plans aimed at enhancing its services in the homeland and the Diaspora.
At the end of his speech, Al Khatib presented a gift to the Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross Society and previous Vice President of Indonesia, Mr. Muhammad Kalla, in recognition of the support provided by Indonesia’s government and people to Palestinians.

In his speech, Mr. Kalla expressed his happiness at attending this Meeting alongside PRCS, adding that cooperation with PRCS is something of which Indonesians are proud. He lauded the great efforts made by PRCS despite difficulties and obstacles, as well as the role it plays in healing the wounds and alleviating the suffering of Palestinians in Palestine and the Diaspora.
His words were echoed by Mr. Pierre Wettach, ICRC’s Head of Mission in the OPT who also expressed his joy at taking part in this Meeting. “Cooperation between PRCS and ICRC constitutes a unique and effective model in this field”, he added.

Mr. Giorgio Ferrario said that as the Israeli military occupation of the OPT has lasted for 43 years, most Palestinians have never experienced not living under occupation. “The continuous expansion of settlements in the West Bank, the Wall, practices that limit the freedom of movement, checkpoints and permits have tremendously complicated the lives of inhabitants in towns and villages which are now isolated.

Moreover, a tight blockade is imposed on the Gaza Strip, preventing the entry of goods and building materials. Palestinians in East Jerusalem live under the threat of being deported and exiled while the number of demolished homes is constantly increasing”, he said.

Ferrario also touched on conditions witnessed by Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon, who have never seen their homeland. “All this is happening under the very eye of the world, who sometimes ignores this situation or easily forgets about it. However, despite all these challenges, PRCS continues to provide quality services to Palestinians in Palestine and the Diaspora, under very difficult conditions in most cases”, he added.

Ferrario valued the high levels of cooperation between PRCS and its partners, such as the Emirates and the Qatar Red Crescent Societies. He also recalled cooperation with the British and Australian Red Cross Societies which have both responded to the PRCS Appeal.

Following these speeches, a discussion session focused on PRCS interventions during the last war on Gaza. The session, chaired by PRCS consultant Majed Abdelfattah, assessed PRCS’ response to the social and health consequences of this war in line with Committee recommendations. Dr. Anwar Dweikat, Head of PRCS’ Primary Health Care Department, spoke about public health during emergencies, non-communicable diseases, reproductive and psychological health. Mr. Basheer Ahmad, Head of the Disaster Response Unit, also took the floor, focusing on emergency response in light of PRCS’ assessment of the local population’s response during emergencies. He also touched on the latest war on Gaza and the extent to which humanitarian institutions and organizations responded to and contained its consequences.

During a second discussion session, chaired by Ms. Khalida Al Seifi who is in charge of Organizational Development (OD) at PRCS, participants assessed PRCS’ OD policies. Wa’el Nammour, OD expert, presented his personal theoretical and practical experience in this field gained from his work with local institutions. Moreover, “Ernst & Young” presented their findings and evaluation based on their study of PRCS’ work.

A third session discussed the conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and PRCS interventions there. A videoconference allowed Dr. Salah Al Ahmad, who is in charge of medical services at PRCS/Lebanon, to speak about PRCS orientations and priorities.

Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS Director General in the Gaza Strip, touched on humanitarian and social conditions in the Strip in the aftermath of the Israeli war. He presented the latest developments and findings relating to the humanitarian and relief situation in the Strip.

Mr. Rabah Jabr, Head of PRCS’ Operations and Planning, presented the Society’s key plans and projects for the coming two years, its priorities and Strategic Plan, as well as its main programs currently underway.