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PRCS organizes a sports festival for disabled children in Qalqilia

(Qalqilia, 31-10-2010): PRCS honored children with special needs from various PRCS branches in Nablus, Qalqilia, Tulkarem and Jenin at a huge sports festival held on 31/10/2010 at the Qalqilia Municipality Playing Field.

The festival was attended by Heads of Rehabilitation Centers, Qalqilia Governor, President of PRCS/Qalqilia, Heads of Education, Social Affairs and Youths & Sports Directorates, the Head of the Police Force, the Head of the General Union of Disabled Persons (Qalqilia branch), many parents accompanying their disabled children and several volunteers.

Participating children took part in several activities including running competitions as well as football and softball matches. A number of friendly matches were organized, while the Karate team from PRCS/Nablus presented various martial arts techniques applauded by the audience.

Moreover, the city’s Governor was honored in recognition of his support to disabled children at PRCS. At the end of the festival, the Governor presented medals and cups to participating outstanding children. In all, PRCS was awarded three cups and several medals.

Following the festival, lunch was offered to children and their parents at the city zoo.