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PRCS raises AIDS awareness at Bethlehem University

Bethlehem-(1/12/2010):PRCS organized  an AIDS awareness-raising event on the occasion of the World AIDS Day marked annually on the 1st of December, to the benefit of hundreds of Bethlehem University students.

During this Day, PRCS teams distributed in excess of 600 knowledge assessment questionnaires featuring questions on AIDS and how it is transmitted. The questionnaires were then collected and shall be examined by a special team from PRCS. Moreover, PRCS volunteers distributed leaflets, brochures and documentation on AIDS and HIV prevention as well as pens and T-shirts about this important Day.

According to Fatima Skeik who works at PRCS’ Primary Health Care progrmme (PHCD), “the Programme holds every year an educational health event in one of Palestine’s niversities in order to raise AIDS and HIV awareness. We chose Bethlehem University because this activity targets young men and women. Similar events were held in previous years at Al Najah, Birzeit, Arab-American and Polytechnic universities. This event includes handing out questionnaires that test students’ knowledge on AIDS as well as its prevention and treatment, so that PRCS teams can later on provide individual and/or collective awareness-raising and respond to all questions raised”.

Dr. Anwar Dweikat, PHC Director, said that Primary Health Care is the backbone of community-based and personal health and hygiene. PRCS develops its health services based on WHO recommendations and the basic principles of PHC. As a PHC provider, PRCS covers local needs with special focus on prevention and health promotion programs as well as on encouraging community-based participation in the planning and implementation of programs. The Society provides health services both inside and outside PHC clinics. The Community-based awareness-raising program implemented by PRCS stems from the Society’s vision and mission statement on prevention services. It aims at increasing awareness and community-based knowledge as well as enhancing individual and collective self-reliance capacities in order to solve health, societal and psychological problems.

Safe Motherhood Committee volunteers, present on campus, played a key actor during this awareness-raising and educational day. Many such volunteers are mothers who organize visits in their neighborhoods and villages to raise health awareness among their friends and family members.