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Palestine’s first innovation festival embraces persons with special needs

Al-Bireh-(2/12/2010): the Higher National Committee for the Palestinian Innovation Festival held on the 2nd of December its First Festival for persons with special needs on the occasion of the International Day for People with Special Needs celebrated annually on the 3rd of December.


The festival, held at PRCS headquarters in Al Bireh, was attended by Ms. Majida Al Masri, Minister of Social Affairs, Ms. Siham Al Barghouti, Minister of Culture, Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, Mr. Nizar Bassalat from the General Union of Disabled Palestinians as well as by a large crowd comprising persons with special needs and their families.


According to Khalil Abu Arab, spokesperson for the National Committee chaired by Minister Al Masri with the membership of PRCS and several ministries and organizations caring for persons with disability, “the festival is the fruit of relentless efforts made by the Committee which prepared plans and programs to ensure that this festival becomes a milestone followed by many others in support of persons with special needs. This festival sheds light on the creativity and talents of these persons in the fields of poetry, arts, culture and sports amongst others. It calls upon us all to continue our efforts to enhance the rights enjoyed by these persons”, he added.


Dr. Al Khatib said PRCS is proud to host this event. “The doors of all our branches, and rehabilitation centers are always open to welcome persons with special needs. We are with you and we are your partners on all levels and through various programs, services and national plans. We cooperate with all relevant parties in Palestinian ministries, the Higher Council for Persons with Disability and institutions which care for persons who are creative in the fields of art, sports and culture”, he added.


Moreover, Dr. Al Khatib touched on achievements made by persons with special needs in the field of sports, achievements of which all Palestinians are proud, he said. The latest such achievements took place at the Arab Special Olympic Games held in Syria. “The first medal obtained by Palestine on the international arena was won by a person with special needs, while hundreds of other creative persons excel in the fields of art and culture. We at PRCS work in order to ensure equal opportunities that would enable everyone to be creative. The advance of nations is measured by a number of benchmarks, including the attention given by that nation to persons with special needs. PRCS has cooperated successfully with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the General Union of Disabled Palestinians and other relevant institutions caring for this important category of Palestinians”, he added.


Minister Al Masri affirmed the Palestinian government’s support to her Ministry’s plans and programs as well as to national plans aimed at enhancing the rights of persons with special needs. “This festival brought to the forefront the talents and creativity of these persons in order to enhance their role and status. It has reflected the great partnership between PRCS, the Ministry of social affairs and all organizations caring for these persons whose creativity has given a special meaning to this International Day adopted by the UN and celebrated on the 3rd of December, as well as to the Arab week for persons with special needs celebrated as of the 13th of December. This is an excellent occasion to focus on these persons’ rights so that all parties, especially the government, shoulder their responsibilities, review their plans and programs and set their priorities for next year”, she added. Minister Al Masri also touched on achievements made by her Ministry and its partners such as reactivating the Higher Council for Persons with disability and issuing cards for persons with disability in order to ensure that laws and regulations relating to this category of the population are respected.


Mr. Bassalat underlined the importance of working seriously to obtain more rights for persons with disability. He praised efforts made by the Ministry, PRCS and their partners, spoke about his Union’s main achievements and expressed his pride at the great talents and creativity shown by persons with disability.


The festival featured artistic interludes presented by persons with disability including songs, poetry recitals, dabkeh dances, sports activities as well as a painting exhibition.