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PRCS holds its periodic Administrative Committee Meeting

(Dead Sea, 06-3-2011): The PRCS held its periodic Administrative Committee Meeting from 5-6th of March at the Dead Sea in Jordan. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamad Al Hadid, President of the Jordanian Red Crescent Society, Dr. Abdul Karim Bin Si Ali, Director of the MENA Desk at IFRC, Mr. Juan-Pedro Schaerer, President of the ICRC Mission to Palestine, Dr. Abdallah Basheer, President of PRCS’ 10th Conference and Dr. Younis Al Khatib, President of PRCS.


The meeting started with the Palestinian and Jordanian National Anthems and a minute of silence to honor PRCS staff and volunteers killed in the line of duty. The opening speech was then delivered by Dr. Abdallah Basheer, President of the meeting, who welcomed participants and lauded the humanitarian services rendered by PRCS, as well as its good governance and transparency. “ A total of half a million humanitarian services were rendered by PRCS last year to the benefit of 1.5 million people. PRCS shall continue to develop and diversify its services which shall be provided to an increasing number of Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Diaspora. Moreover, PRCS has actively participated at both Arab and international meetings and conferences, acquiring the admiration of national Societies and of the International Movement. Such presence shall continue in the future to the benefit of Palestinians everywhere”, he said.


Dr. Mohamad Al Hadid welcomed the holding of this meeting in Jordan. He praised services provided by PRCS and highlighted the principles guiding the IM which struggles to alleviate the suffering of people throughout the world. He expressed the IM’s concern over the non-respect by Maguen David Adom (MDA) of the MoU signed with PRCS despite pledges made by MDA to the IM to abide by its articles, namely by granting the freedom of movement to Palestinian ambulances in occupied Jerusalem. “National Arab Societies shall bring this issue up at the International Conference of States Signatories of the Geneva Conventions to be held in November. They shall urge participants to exert pressure on MDA to abide by the document it has signed”, he said.


At the end of his speech, Dr. Al Hadid highlighted the close ties between PRCS and the Jordanian Red Crescent Society. “My Society stands ready to provide any humanitarian assistance requested from it at all times”, he said.


In the same vein, Dr. Bin Si Ali described PRCS as a leading national organization within the Movement. “This is attested to by this Movement’s components” he said. He lauded services provided by PRCS especially during Al Aqsa intifada. “The example of PRCS is being followed by many Arab national societies in countries witnessing civil unrest, mainly Tunisia and Libya”, he added.


Bin Si Ali touched on the MoU between PRCS and MDA, expressing his disappointment at Israel’s non-respect of it. He promised that the IFRC shall consider this matter both seriously and in depth.
According to the Head of the ICRC delegation to Palestine, MDA has not respected key clauses in the MoU, mainly regarding the operation of MDA ambulances in Israeli settlements built on land occupied in 1967, infringing on the geographical scope of PRCS, although he recognized that some achievements were made in line with the MoU. He also described conditions in a number of states in the Middle East as “unexpected”, adding that national societies were ill-prepared to face them. However, they managed to rapidly respond to certain urgent needs even though their action did not meet the expectations of inhabitants.


Dr. Younis Al Khatib thanked the Jordanian Red Crescent for the support it provides to PRCS and to Palestinians in general. He lauded efforts made by Dr. Al Hadid in this field in his official capacity as well as when he presided over the Standing Commission at IFRC. He also praised efforts made by Mr. Bin Si Ali and Mr. Schaerer.


“PRCS is unique because the Palestinian cause is unique. Palestinians are denied their freedom and have not yet built their independent state”, he said. Al Khatib touched on the experience gained by PRCS during the past 42 years which has given the society momentum that has helped enhance humanitarian services provided to Palestinians wherever they live. “PRCS’ staff and volunteers work hard to maintain the unity of PRCS, despite the many obstacles faced by Palestinians, mainly the division in their ranks. Thanks to this unity, PRCS has succeeded in providing enhanced services and in playing an active role to face the health consequences of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip”.


Moreover, Al Khatib touched on the above-mentioned MoU. “MDA’s insistence to work in Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem is an example of how it shirks the commitments it made in the MoU. It is also a crying violation of the Geneva Conventions and of IHL. PRCS shall lobby the Movement to urge MDA to put an end to its activities inside settlements”, he said.


Al Khatib affirmed that PRCS shall continue to hold periodic meetings at its headquarters and at its various branches. It shall institutionalize its work and respect its basic texts, which will enhance its power and develop its services. PRCS shall also help enhance the role of local communities in cooperation with relevant bodies in order to face the consequences of both natural and man-made disasters, he added.
He ended his speech by recalling the sacrifices made by PRCS staff and volunteers, mainly Dr. Fathi Arafat, underlining the importance of being loyal to their goals.


Discussion of Reports
Following the speeches, participants elected a meeting supervisory committee comprised of the following three members: Dr. Abdallah Basheer (President); Dr. Jawad Awad (Vice President) and Dr. Yihya Odeh (Rapporteur).


The following reports were presented to the meeting after the adoption of the agenda:


  • The Executive Committee’s Report;
  • The Financial Report;
  • Reports by branches in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq and Egypt;
  • Strategic Directions of PRCS Programs and Alignment with IFRC Strategy by 2020.

These reports were discussed and endorsed. Moreover, a number of recommendations were adopted with a view to enhancing PRCS’ humanitarian action and developing its staff and volunteers.

At the end of the meeting, President Abbas, speaking via telephone, expressed his support of PRCS and its humanitarian efforts targeting Palestinians in Palestine and the Diaspora. “PRCS services can be seen in every Governorate, city, town and village, and even in every home”, he said. He reaffirmed that he shall, together with the PLO, continue providing support to PRCS in order to help it disseminate its humanitarian message and enhance its services to Palestinians wherever they are.


In his closing remarks at the end of this two day meeting, Dr. Al Khatib underlined the role of planning in enhancing and diversifying the Society’s services. He recalled the National Health Plan prepared by PRCS in 1989 which provided the basis for the plan developed later on by the Palestinian Ministry of Health. He also touched on the development of PRCS in relation to the Palestinian national struggle. “The development of PRCS is not linked to specific dates, whether before the 'Nakba’ or in its aftermath” he said.


The Council concluded its meeting by addressing two telegrams expressing thanks to King Abdallah of Jordan for hosting the meeting and to President Abbas for his support to PRCS ever since it was established.


Millions of people benefit from PRCS services in 2009 and 2010
PRCS’ Board of Directors, which concluded on the 7th of March 2011 its meeting in Jordan, issued statistics regarding humanitarian services provided by PRCS in 2009 and 2010. In total, PRCS provided 5.243.656 services including 3.633.017 services provided by PRCS hospitals and Primary Health Care Centers in Palestine and the Diaspora. Moreover, A total of 138.366 persons benefited from emergency services provided by the Society. 1.254.633 persons benefited from social programs and services, while 65.145 families received assistance from the Disaster Management Program, mostly in the Gaza Strip. 290.861 persons benefited from the Risk Awareness and Capacity Building Program.


In 2009 and 2010, PRCS registered 616 violations committed against its crews by Israeli occupation forces, including shootings and aggressions against ambulances, physical aggressions against medical crews and den