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A Delegation from the Norwegian Red Cross Visits PRCS

Al Bireh – A delegation from the Norwegian Red Cross chaired by its President Mr. Sven Mollekleiv visited PRCS’ branches in the Gaza Strip as well as its branch in Hebron on the 26th of June 2012. The visit is part of joint cooperation and coordination efforts which aim at enhancing common ties between the two Societies.
During its visit, the Norwegian delegation was accompanied by IFRC Country Representative in the oPt Mr. Giorgio Ferrario as well as by several ICRC staff. The delegation was received by Dr. Younes Al Khatib, PRCS President, as well as by Dr. Khaled Joudeh, Director General, and representatives from PRCS branches and departments in the Gaza Strip and Hebron.

In his welcoming address, Dr. Al Khatib spoke about key services provided by PRCS’ branches in the Gaza Strip as well as future programs aimed at covering needs in the Gaza Strip where dire humanitarian conditions prevail. “This visit is part of joint cooperation and coordination between PRCS and international bodies which aims at increasing and improving our humanitarian and health services”, he said. He addressed sincere words of thanks to the Norwegian Red Cross for its continuous efforts in support of Palestinians.

Mr. Mollekleiv said he was happy to visit Palestine and lauded efforts made by PRCS to serve Palestinians especially under these very difficult conditions. “I had the honor of meeting late Dr. Fathi Arafat, who played a major role in creating this National Society”, he said, adding that he would like for this exchange of visits and experiences between both parties to continue.

The delegation started its Gaza Strip visit with a tour in PRCS’ Al Amal City for Capacity Development in Khan Younes, where it was briefed on the work of the Rehabilitation Department and activities targeting persons with special needs. It also toured the Community-based and Psychological Health Department and got acquainted with its services and activities in the Southern Gaza Strip. The delegation then visited the Summer Camp organized by the Psychological Health Department at Al Amal Resort on the beach in Khan Younes, as well as PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City.

Delegation members also visited PRCS/Jabalia (Northern Gaza Strip) and perused activities at its Psychological Health Department and Disaster Management Unit. They got acquainted with services provided to Palestinians in the Northern Gaza Strip in general.

In Hebron, Mr. Samih Abou Eisheh, Head of PRCS/Hebron and members from the branch’s Administrative Committee received the delegation at PRCS’ Al Raja Special Education Center. A tour of the center was organized and delegation members got acquainted with its work, sections and target groups. They also toured the Center’s workshops which host 140 disabled young men and women between the ages of 6 and 18. The delegation also paid a visit to PRCS’ hospital in the city.

Dr. Abdullah Sabri, the vice president of the PRCS, received the delegation in their visit to Jerusalem Branch. He briefed the delegation about the quality humanitarian services provided by the PRCS hospital there, particularly in Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Maternity. These services are provided to the Palestinians in Jerusalem city, governorate and also in the West Bank.

The delegation was impressed by the high standard services provided during their tour in the clinics and the Emergency Medical Services Center.

The delegation was briefed about the obstacles and difficulties PRCS faces in East Jerusalem, especially in the movement of the ambulances and the EMS teams, and not granting the staff employed to work in the hospital and clinics permits to enter Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that a part of the delegation visited Nablus branch, and got a detailed brief about the services provided through the branch and the rehabilitation centers. They met the Karate team of the hearing Impaired PRCS High School in Nablus, who presented a distinguished show to the delegation. They also visited the rehabilitation carpentry, and its educational games exhibition. Furthermore, they went to the Elderly house and met the inmates, before visiting Tana village, in the central Jordan Valley. They were briefed about the life conditions of the affected Palestinians there by the Israeli Occupation policies, aiming at displacing the residents there through homes’ demolitions and confiscating lands and properties.